
  • Sermons

  • Books 

    • Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard

    • The Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster

    • The Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen

  • Spiritual practices

    • Centering prayer

    • Prayer of Examen

    • Lectio Divina: Read a scripture, meditate, then pray.

  • Experiences

    • Envision

    • Men’s Ministry

    • Women’s Ministry

  • Spiritual Direction

    • A spiritual director is someone who has been trained to help you discern the distinct way God communicates with you. It can be helpful to meet with a trained guide to understand the unique way you connect with God. Reach out to any of our pastors if you have questions or are interested in meeting with a spiritual director. Suggested donation is $50 per session and a sliding fee scale is available if needed. (Please note that spiritual direction is not therapy and we would be glad to refer you to therapists in the area).